There’s no shortage of ambitious projects in the gaming community, especially when it comes to merging elements of one Fallout game into another. But this time, someone’s tackling something unique by bringing the beloved Fallout: New Vegas into a very logical setting – The Sims 2. Enter The Sims 2: New Vegas, a fan-driven remaster that stands as yet another testament to the magic that happens when dedicated Fallout enthusiasts put their creativity to work.
This intriguing project is still in development, gaining traction on its own subreddit as highlighted by TheGamer. The mastermind behind it is Baron Pulitzer, also known online as FalloutPropMaster. By day, he seems to run an independent film production company, but lately, he’s been documenting the progress of this endeavor for the past week or so.
In an introductory post, he shared, “I’ve grown impatient waiting for a remaster of Fallout: New Vegas. My dream is to create a version that not only revisits the game but also includes some of the content that got cut during the in-house beta phase.” After discovering some Mods of New Vegas’ casinos uploaded by a user named ‘lilipad’ on ModTheSims, Baron felt inspired to reimagine New Vegas within The Sims 2 framework. Although he has a history of modding Fallout 3 and New Vegas, he’s new to modding The Sims, and sees this as an exciting learning opportunity.
Over the past week, he’s revisited tools like Milkshape, FOMM, Blender, and Nifscope, which has been a nostalgic trip back a decade for him – meshing the old with the new to create something fresh in his downtime.
So far, Baron has laid out rough plans for placing buildings around his Mojave Wasteland neighborhood, which will naturally feature iconic locations like The Strip and Freeside. He’s also recreated the Prospector Saloon in Goodsprings – an obvious starting point for such a project.
Character development is underway too, with screenshots showcasing Vulpes Inculta, the notorious Legion wolf hat wearer, mingling with a couple of ghouls and playing kickball. There’s also a household full of companions likely bonding over tales of a certain courier using them strategically in battles and then retreating to guzzle stimpaks galore.
The latest update reveals a revamped version of The Sims 2 UI, tailored with classic Fallout aesthetics, adding to its charm.
For fans currently revisiting The Sims 2 through the Legacy Collection remaster, this is definitely something exciting to watch. Especially if you find yourself yearning for another fun romp through the Mojave as a cannibal, plotting to take down Mr. House, or upsetting the NCR with your culinary choices on the path to an independent New Vegas.